[tpath_feature_box display=”title_below_icon” alignment=”center” icon_flaticons=”flaticon flaticon-cooking30″ title=”Food & Drinks” btn_title=”See Menu” btn_link=”#”]If you visit one of our stores during the first week of next month you will see our cashiers taking part in a sponsored juggle[/tpath_feature_box]
[tpath_feature_box display=”title_below_icon” alignment=”center” icon_flaticons=”flaticon flaticon-chef33″ title=”Clean Kitchen” btn_title=”Meet our team” btn_link=”#”]If you visit one of our stores during the first week of next month you will see our cashiers taking part in a sponsored juggle[/tpath_feature_box]
[tpath_feature_box display=”title_below_icon” alignment=”center” icon_flaticons=”flaticon flaticon-restaurant3″ title=”Awesome Locations” btn_title=”Find our restaurants” btn_link=”#”]If you visit one of our stores during the first week of next month you will see our cashiers taking part in a sponsored juggle[/tpath_feature_box]
[tpath_feature_box display=”title_below_icon” alignment=”center” icon_flaticons=”flaticon flaticon-tray29″ title=”Healthy Ingredients” btn_title=”See ingredients” btn_link=”#”]If you visit one of our stores during the first week of next month you will see our cashiers taking part in a sponsored juggle[/tpath_feature_box]
[tpath_tiled_gallery gallery_images=”574,575,576,577,578,579″]
[tpath_section_title title=”Our latest news on the blog ” alignment=”Center”][tpath_vc_blog posts=”4″ layout=”list”]
[tpath_booking_form show_form=”yes”]
[tpath_day_counter day=”01″ month=”01″ year=”2016″ title=”Take a Reservation” subtitle=”fast easy and clean”]